Important Information for Adam Rafferty Subscribers – this means you!!!:
If you are a subscriber to my “Guitar Mastery Newsletter”, you may have been accidentally removed from my list. To re-subscribe, please go here. This means you:
Huh? What Happened?
My mailing list provider Mailchimp, required me to “prune my list”. Read about it here.
When they get more than .10 % abuse complaints – that’s POINT 10 percent, they require this.
So, out of 13K subscribers, 17 ding bats called my Holiday Newsletter “email abuse”. Thanks guys! That’s enough to be more than point 10 percent.
In order to continue using use my mailing list, I had to unsubscribe 4900 people. I scanned the list and saw many of my friends and Facebook fans names.
I even had to unsubscribe one of my best friends. This was really idiotioc!
All names I unsubscribed – while they may be people I know personally, they had not ever opened or read an email – so they are what my provider calls “dead weight”.
But – you may like being on my list, and may not have read the past few mails, so this could mean you got axed.
If you’d like to stay on board with the “Guitar Mastery Newsletter” to get tabs and updates and goodies – just go and sign up again.
And, you’ll get Vitamin E Blues and other tabs for free. Vitamin E comes as soon as you sign up.
Don’t assume you didn’t get axed! And no worries – if you sign up twice, you will not get double emails.
Thanks, and I am very very sorry for any hassle!
Ooooo.. that’s weapons grade ‘pain in the ass’
happy holidays!
I tried to resubscribe, but it told me I was already subscribed so hopefully I’m safe.
I don’t have faith in mailchimp’s ability to accurately know whether or not an email has been opened or read. I have have freinds that definitely see my emails sent via mailchimp but the stats do not reflect that – it may depend on the email client or internet browser that folks use. IDK.
Just got turned on to your music by seeing your artwork on a CD cover on the DicsMakers website! Weird way to find you but glad I did. I love your pickin man, great stuff! I went to iTunes immediately after I found your site and purchased the Grattitude CD. Really nice. New fan in SouthCentral Kentucky!
Thanks my man!!!! Talk sooN!!
– AR